Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Scrabble Tile Pendants

While I have never made a scrabble tile pendant or seen one made, there is a proliferation of them on etsy. They must not be too difficult to make.

Stay right there while I go find out how...

...ok I'm back. Here goes:

Step 1. Find a Scrabble tile
Step 2. Find a decorative piece of paper, and cut it just larger than the tile.
Step 3. Glue the paper to the Scrabble tile, making sure to squeeze out all the air bubbles.
Step 4. Once dry, turn the Scrabble tile paper-side down, and use a craft knife or exacto knife to trim the excess paper.
Step 5. Apply a layer of glue to seal the tile, and let dry.
Step 6. Use a non-toxic Diamond Glaze or 3D Crystal Lacquer, or an Epoxy Resin, such as Enviro-tex or Colores Resin to give it the shiny clear coating.
Step 7. Either carefully drill a hole in the tile to fit a jump-ring through it, or attach a clasp, bail or other jewellery fixture to your tile to turn it into a pendant for a necklace.

For much more detailed instructions, I found an excellent and informative blog entry here.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My [Excuse] Procrastination

I have been putting off writing blog entries for this blog for some time - yes, even though this is only the second entry! I guess I'm a bit intimidated by the fact that I like detail. A lot. What this means is that if I'm going to talk about, say, origami, I want it to be a comprehensive entry on various types and sources of origami. Not, "Origami is cool. This is how you fold a paper airplane." However, there are a LOT of sources out there on origami. I've been "involved" with origami for many, many years, so how to do one entry on it seems... well, daunting in the least.

Perhaps my blog-followers and blog-followers-to-be can forgive me in any irregularity. This is the first time I've attempted a topic-based blog, so I'm already envisioning a brief post here, a lengthy post there, irregular moments of time between, and all in their own way will frustrate me, I'm sure! Still, I am excited for it. The new discoveries, the archiving of resources, and the thought of receiving some reader input too shall carry me on! [insert "Onward and upward!" or otherwise obscure/unrelated quote here]

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The First Draft

You remember those days as a kid? A time where there was an abundance of craft options and opportunities out there as a child to learn, experiment, and create? From the standard paper and crayons to babysitter activities, planned crafts for friends' birthday parties to art class in elementary school, it seemed there was always something new and fun to learn and do.

This blog is a search for the same, just as an adult.

Image from bitsnpiecesetc on Etsy

While it remains to be seen exactly how this blog will shape and transform, my goal is to discover what kinds of crafts are out there, a little bit about that craft, and to figure out where to go for more information, classes, workshops, etc. My goal is to do this not for the myriad of child and youth workshops, but for the 20+ and beyond age category. The lesser-known, the better. I can find scrapbooking, painting, and drawing resources easily. I am off searching for those unfound gems, and maybe you can help me!